
Alipay Payment in China. 中国区阿里支付宝支付

502 / ¥ 473.04
(0 评价)

Alipay, Alibaba payment for my account. 支付宝支付本商户模式。
Website show QRCode, alipay scan and pay(支付宝扫码当面付). Alipay Login then pay.
Mobile pay in browser (手机浏览器支付支持)
Auto confirm, auto invoice after payment. easy Reconciliation.

¥ 1,868.40 1868.4 CNY ¥ 1,568.00 不含增值税

¥ 1,568.00 不含增值税

优惠: 中国用户9折 专项额外优惠 专项优惠券

Not Available For Sale

  • 版本


运输:2-3 个工作日

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile


Latest update: v16.23.11.22

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile
Key features:
  • 1. Website show QRCode, Alipay scan pay(支付宝扫码付)
  • 2. Alipay Login and pay.
  • 3. Mobile browser alipay (手机浏览器支付宝支付)
  • 4. Auto confirm Sale order and payment invoice after customer pay.Auto invoice after payment. easy Reconciliation.
  • 5. Well Document. mail to request(详细配置文档,欢迎邮件索取)
  • 11. Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.
  • 12. Support Odoo 17,16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
  • 13. Full Open Source.

Website show QRCode, Alipay scan pay

Customer just scan click to pay

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Customer can scan or login to use alipay

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Auto confirm after customer pay

Customer use wechat to scan the qrcode to pay

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Order Confirm show to customer

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Order Confirm show to customer

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

4. Auto confirm Sale order after customer pay.Auto invoice after payment. Easy Reconciliation.

Auto confirm, easy show payment

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Auto payment invoice

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Easy Reconciliation.

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile
Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Easy config and well document

you can mail us to get manual how to setup once you buy

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Quick Debug and Exception handle

you can manual sync payment for Exception, if got network issue.

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

you can see all the payment flow from alipay payment portal.

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Debug for for payment detail.

Alipay Payment in China. PC and Mobile

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


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版本 17.016.0