

1,687 / ¥ 1,336.48
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自动生成odoo模块,无需编码。将excel字段说明等导入 odoo 应用程序即可生成Odoo模块。模型定义后可自动生成视图与安全规则。
Excel 应用生成器,将 Excel 导入 Odoo 字段、Odoo 小部件设置。
可自动生成应用程序模块至Odoo目录,直接在 Odoo 中安装。

¥ 2,060.00 2060.0 CNY ¥ 1,765.00 不含增值税

¥ 1,764.80 不含增值税

优惠: 中国区9折 会员赠积分

Not Available For Sale

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运输:2-3 个工作日

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Auto generate odoo module without coding. Import excel to odoo apps. All the auto code follow odoo coding guideline

Latest update: v16.23.06.02

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app
Key features:
  • 1. Auto generate odoo module without coding. Easy Custom odoo Module. odoo code studio.
  • 2. Import excel to odoo apps. Excel apps. import excel to odoo field. Easy import exist model of odoo.
  • 3. Auto get .py, .xml, security file, odoo Views, models, Menus etc. for auto app. All the file follow the odoo coding Guidelines rule.
  • 4. Easy set all odoo widget.
  • 5. Auto app support. One click to generate odoo app, Then install in your odoo.
  • 6. One click to export the apps zip file for download. Easy Customize Supported.
  • 7. Easy odoo module without technical knowledge, excel module for odoo. Odoo Module Scaffold
  • 8. Provide sample Excel file for auto app.
  • 11. Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.
  • Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
  • 13. Full Open Source.

How it Work. User Guide.

The app is for auto Agile odoo coding. auto module creator

All the code is follow Coding Guidelines https://www.odoo.com/documentation/16.0/contributing/development/coding_guidelines.html Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

1. Create an odoo app in the creator.

Check in to Module Creator

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Create our first auto app

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

2. Create the model of auto app.

Create and setup the name, field, widget, _inherit. Easy to Follow default value

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Easy get separate py and view file.

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

3. Setup the model field.

Easy import the field from excel

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Easy import exist model of odoo.

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

4. Setup the field widget of form or tree.

Easy Manage odoo widget

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

More than 100 widget including

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

5. Auto app. One click to generate odoo app, All open source

Easy generate. Easy pack.

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app
Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

6. One click to export the apps zip file for download. Easy Customize Supported.

All the auto code follow odoo coding guideline

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

7. Install in odoo.

Update app and install

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Get the app. Easy odoo module without technical knowledge, excel module for odoo. Odoo Module Scaffold

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Then you cat create the demo data. with list, form

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

The widget is easy show

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Click to edit detail infomation

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

8. Importand Notice!!

Notice, set up the file permissions first. Ubuntu setup sample.

sudo chown -R odoo:odoo /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/myaddons
sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/myaddons

Also. we have demo data in /data fold.

Multi-language Support..

Auto coding Agile. odoo Module auto creator. Excel to odoo app

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


More Powerful addons, Make your odoo very easy to use, easy customize: odooai.cn Odoo Addons

