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Odoo Module Template. App sample with widget.


Sample Description of app. video and brief and detail demo snap and text

Just Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons

- Sample Local Video. Change to your video -

- Sample Video on youtube remote. Change to your video -

Demo Gif Animation if you can not get video

Sample Description of app. video and brief and detail demo snap and text

- Features -

A full Sample module app of odoo addons.

All the code, views, data ,banner, icon and description sample follow the odoo rule.

Sample manifest file.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample. Security xml and csv file for role group access rule. Follow most odoo rule follow


Sample .py models file

for new model and inherit model

Sample .xml views file for models

Sample xml views file for models, with list, kanban, form, search

Sample controllers file

for website data publish and api developer. including how inherit odoo portal home

Sample report design file

.py file with how sql define. .xml file for graph and pivot

Sample action and menu file

Root menu and menu group and action menu

Ui misc sample

Alert like info and special field setup.

Odoo Widget sample

170+ widget list document and Frequently Used Sample.

Quick access odoo developer Tutorials online.

Document online for chinese and english. Fast visit in China.

Full Open Source.Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support

Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.

代码完全开源,多语言支持,多公司支持。Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, 企业版,社区版,在线SaaS.sh版,等全版本支持

- Feature Guide -

A full Sample module app of odoo addons.

All the code, views, data ,banner, icon and description sample follow the odoo rule.

All the code, views, data ,banner, icon and description sample follow the odoo rule.

Sample manifest file.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Security xml and csv file for role group access rule. Sample icon, banner, index.html, install/uninstall hooks. Follow most odoo rule follow


Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Sample .py models file, for new model and inherit model

Please comment the inherit .py file of product_template.py in produce odoo.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Sample .xml views file for models, with list, kanban, form, search


Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.


Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.


Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.


Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Sample controllers file for website data publish and api developer

including how inherit odoo portal home.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Sample report design file.

.py file with how sql define.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

.xml file for graph and pivot.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.
Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Sample action and menu file.

Root menu and menu group and action menu.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Ui misc sample. Alert like info and special field setup.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Odoo Widget sample.

170+ widget list document

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Frequently Used Sample.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

Quick access odoo developer Tutorials online.

Click alert info to visit. Document online for chinese and english. Fast visit in China.

Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.

- How to setup and use -

This app need no extra module. The price already included

1. Buy and Install

2. Clone this sample and rename to your module name to quick create your odoo addons.

3. Check the demo we create

3. Check the demo we create

4. More information in our FAQ


Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.



版本 16.0